It’s Up To You in New York!

Manhattan. Broadway. Yellow Taxi.

There really is nothing quite like arriving in Manhattan for the first time.  It really is JUST like you see it on TV!  I was so excited for Iron Man and the The Kid as it was their first visit and I wanted them to experience it as I had (almost 20 years ago).  This was Iron Man’s 50th birthday soiree and he was keen to visit in the spring.  My previous visit was during the winter and I have always associated New York with cold weather, hot chocolate and ice skating – just like in the movies.

On arrival in New York we were greeted with very intense 30 degree heat which stayed with us throughout.  For me, this was like seeing a whole new city.  It is very different in the sunshine and it was a treat for me to see New York through different eyes.

Washington Square fountain

As with most big cities, the best exploration and finds are generally done on foot.  These are the times when you can look up and around soaking up the atmosphere and where you stumble upon little gems like this just because you happened to walk into it.

The heat should have slowed us down but it didn’t.   I would love to know how many steps we did.  It can be easy to forget that we have a 10 year old with us sometimes as we have certainly put our legs through the paces over the last week.  We did so much yet we still have so many reasons to go back.  I guess that is always the way.

Walking Brooklyn Bridge

It was also Memorial Day during our visit and it was wonderful to see so many service men and women out and about in the city.

American Navy

One of the things that we truly love about America is the patriotism and the way the American flag is everywhere and on everything.  Absolutely everything.

Slightly blurry picture of the Subway train but you gotta take your chances where you can – think Whoopi Goldberg and Ghost!

See what I mean about the flag!

The Subway proved a godsend for speeding up journeys.  It was quick, reliable, safe, easy and the air con made it the place to go for a cool down.  Just like the tube in London!

New York Subway

Food Glorious FoodIce Cream

You can never eat enough in New York.  There are so many things to try and we really didn’t have time to do it justice – another reason to go back.  We managed a few bits though.

Macaroons & Cookies New York

 Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

Whilst waiting to board the Staten Island Ferry at rush hour to catch a glimpse of Lady Liberty with the workers of New York returning home, Frank Sinatra’s version of ‘New York, New York’ started to belt out.  It was one of those rare wonderful moments that was just so fitting and cheesy at the same time.  Probably not so for the workers who I’m sure hear it every day, but there is no way that any respectable 40 something Brit on tour is going to do anything but start dancing.  Why should we be the exception?!  Of course we blooming well danced.

This is a less fun for a 10 year old with her parents who hasn’t been brought up with this song at every family party since she was 2.  It just doesn’t hold the same meaning.

We won’t mention the foam hat kiddo!

Travel Note – In order to alight at the Statue of Liberty and to climb it, you have to pre-book online.  We didn’t know this prior to travel and were disappointed to learn that it was fully booked until September.  Next time Libs!Statue of Liberty

Madison Square Garden

An absolute must!  With or without kids.  We booked in advance to see the New York Liberty play Minnesota Lynx.

From the moment you walk and hear the American Anthem it is wall to wall entertainment.  It was a well fought game and I have to say there were some pretty powerful women playing.  The highlight of the intervals had to be the large shooters catapulting t-shirts into the crowd.   The atmosphere and excitement in the stadium was palpable.

Basketball. Madison Square Garden.

The High Line

The High Line New York

The High Line is a 1.45-mile-long New York City linear park built in Manhattan on an elevated section of a disused New York Central Railroad.

In some ways it reminded us of the Olympic Park – beautiful flower beds and a great way to see the city.  Well worth doing.  Lots of artists at the end selling their wares and many tasty food stalls from which to sample more treats.

Check out these slushies being made from the ice block!

Slushies. Ice block

We ended our route in Chelsea.


Chelsea Market. New York.

Another must visit.  Both the neighbourhood and the Market.  So many things to browse and some wonderful entrepreneurs selling their wares.  Absolutely loved this jewellery made from real fruit.

Crafts. Chelsea Market


Another must.  Brooklyn itself and the Dumbo district (mad name!) is a great place for a mooch.  The walk back across the Brooklyn Bridge is a wonderful way to view Manhattan – especially in the glorious sunshine.

Brooklyn Bridge. New York skyline.

Rockefeller Centre

Rockefeller Centre.

I thought the Ice Skating Rink was the preserve of the Rockefeller Centre but it turns out that it lends itself pretty well to outdoor summer dining too.  Loved it the first time, loved it even more the second time.  The favourite.

American Flag. Stars and Stripes

Central Park

Another fave.  The heat precluded us from spending too much time here but we made sure we saw Alice.

Alice in Wonderland. Central Park.

 Memorial Site

We passed through on our first day but on the basis that we hadn’t had the conversation with little lady about 9/11, we didn’t linger.  Had we been alone I expect we would have gone into the museum and spent a little more time here.  Having said that it was incredibly busy and we found it a bit uncomfortable to see people taking selfies.

We felt that just being in the City made us reflect on what happened that day.  Sadly, it is also one of those moments in history where one can remember exactly what they were doing.   During one of our many walks, we passed an open fire station where the crew were training a new recruit.  Seeing photographs of the fire crew that had lost their lives that day was incredibly moving.

Here is a picture of the Fire Truck getting ready for a training session.  See what I mean about the flag!

New York Fire Truck

 American Girl Place

Yes.  I’m afraid she did.  This place.  There is nothing like it.  On Earth.  Five visits.  Five bloody visits.  Suckers.  I cannot do it justice in a paragraph so against my better judgement and because it was quite fascinating and crazy mad at the same time, it’s getting a post of its own.  Be afraid.  There is at least one doll in the UK.

American Girl Place

If you are in any doubt about taking children to New York, don’t be.  I felt incredibly safe there, we all did.  So very different since the clean up and my last visit.  There is loads of for kids to see and do.  There is also plenty for Iron Men to eat and drink.  Hell they even sell Stella Artois.  Of course he was gonna be a part of it.

New York, New York!!  Have you been?  What were your highlights?












138 thoughts on “It’s Up To You in New York!

  1. I have never been but this post has really made me want to. Great pics. The singer is brilliant! And you really get a feel for the energy at the game. It all looks so exciting. Thank you for sharing your experience I really enjoyed this post 🙂 #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, so many great things to see and do there. I would love to go, so many of your images remind me of the movies. It would be so cool to actually be there. I would prefer to go in the sun rather than the wintery cold. So your summer photos appealed to me very much.
    Amanda. #kcacols

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow – that looks like a fun packed holiday. I visted New York a long time ago and now my husband has family out there so i’m pretty sure a vist is on the cards!! #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aaah I LOVED this post Nicky!! You’re so right too — it’s EXACTLY like it is in the films!!! I remember the first time I went — seeing the steam coming out of the vents in the road and hearing all the NY accents!! I absolutely loved it. What an amazing city. Apart from those dolls!!!!!! Glad they weren’t there when I last visited!!!!! 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Caro! We didn’t see steam this time, I assume because of the heat. Yes, the dolls, I don’t think it will be long before they start travelling somehow! Lovely to hear from you x


  5. I loved reading about your trip to New York! I love New York, it’s been a while since I was last there. It looks like you had a brilliant time, and great to hear that it is child friendly. I remember being really hungover on the Staten Island Ferry and having to wear my friend’s shoes as my Converse had rubbed the back of my ankle. Hope you’re having a brilliant time guest co-hosting. Claire x #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh I can’t think of anything worse than being hungover on there with all those people! Good job your friend had spare shoes! Yes have enjoyed it, just catching up on my own comments now. I’ve never been so popular!


  6. I have always wanted to go visit New York! I have really on driven through the state while on a road trip and have always wanted to go. I’ve wondered what it would be like ever since I started watching Gossip Girl (I know guilty pleasure). It looks wonderful through your eyes and I can’t wait to check out some of the places you mentioned someday. #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post… You managed to fit so much in, must have been exhausting!! My weekend in NY co-incided with Superstorm Sandy so I need to go back to check out things like the High line! Also would never have thought of catching a game at Madison street gardens! #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, you really managed to cover so many of the big tourist attractions, well done. I went for a weekend years ago, in my life before kids and managed the statue of liberty and the empire state building which was great to do. I remember even back then how patriotic the people were and I also remember what struck me was that people got my british accent confused with an australian one!:)




  9. This looks likes the best fun ever! I would love to get to New York one day. It probably won’t happen in the very near future so just a little bit envious of your lovely trip! You got some great pictures too 🙂 #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Never been, would LOVE to go, even more so now that I’ve read your post and seen the great pics. I’ll make sure we book in advance for statue of liberty though! #kcacols


  11. Wow, Nicky, what an epic post! It looks like you had such a wonderful holiday. I love the picture of the Statue of Liberty in the sunset. I would love to go back to New York and you are right that exploring on foot is often the best way. #KCACOLS

    Nadia – ScandiMummy x


  12. I loved your post! We went there for my 40th birthday, but now I realise there was so much we missed, and I really want to go back! Maybe we’ll take the kids now they’re a bit older. Thanks for all the info.#KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Looks like a great time! I’ve never been to New York. I also tend to always think winter when I think of NYC. I actually didn’t know it was possible to climb the Statue of Liberty, booked or not! #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Such a great capture of your visit to NY. I’ve never been but would one day like to go, just to see what its like in the flesh. I love that you’ve highlighted all the must visit places, so useful! Perhaps one for when our littlies are older 🙂 Emily #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to New York, and one day I definitely will! I’d quite like to do a trip child free first, more so for us than worrying it will be too much for them. It sounds like you had the most amazing time! I will definitely refer back to this when we eventually get to go! #KCACOLS xx

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