Me and Blogging!

It seems only right and proper that my first post should be about blogging!

God knows it’s taken me forever to get to this stage and I don’t mind admitting that I have really dilly dallied on the way.

As an action oriented kind of gal, I have never experienced this level of procrastination over something that I have such passion for. So much so that I’ve got on my own nerves.

So what has held me back – interesting question – it certainly isn’t writers block as I am bursting with ideas ready to go. Quite frankly it’s been how to do it. Which blogging vehicle to use for the novice? Of course the more advice you take and the more you read up, the more scenarios you are faced with and the harder it is to make a decision. Whether not doing the right thing at the outset could cause problems down the line etc. Anyway, I just can’t stand the suspense anymore.

I drool daily at the wonderful blogs that I am reading, how fabulous they look and at what a talented, witty, funny lot you all are. I love the looks of the blogs and all the fabulous things that are done with linkies and the opportunities for sharing and I long to get involved. I’m like the kid looking through the sweet shop window.
I’ve got so caught up in the design and the how and I guess that has held me back.

So I have taken the piece of advice that resonated with me the most and that is – “just write”.

So here it is warts and all, ‘my foot in’ to the unknown, so to speak. I shall probably look back at this and giggle but hey it’s a work in progress, a blank canvas on which to get cracking. I shall enjoy learning from the mistakes I make along the way and laughing at them.

Thank you for reading.
Stick with it!

9 thoughts on “Me and Blogging!

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Nicky! I’m very new to this too, with my blog being just around 6 weeks old, but I love it. Looking forward to reading all your posts x


  2. Welcome to the blogging world! All the technical stuff takes a while to get used to, but it’s a lot easier once you have. I started mine mid January and I absolutely LOVE it, it’s brought my family new experiences and more, and I really couldn’t imagine not having my blog now!

    Stevie x


  3. Once again, welcome to the world of blogging (and thanks for your comment on my blog). All those technical bits will become second nature after a while, the important thing is that you have taken that first step towards finding your own unique voice within this community. Have fun!


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